News & Events
News & Events
The Crossroads Center Welcomes New Leadership as We Prepare for a Bright Future
By Robert Mecum, Board Chair of The Crossroads Center
At The Crossroads Center, we have always been committed to prov...

Sephora Donation!

Halloween 2024!

Xavier University Job Fair!
We had a great turnout at Xavier University Fall Career Fair! It is always a pleasure to meet XU students!!! #hiring #therapists #counselors #peersupporters #behavioralhealthtechnicians #turnlivesarou...

Fairfield Art Center
Dr. Toni Mason and several team members recently participated in the "By His Grace" play at the Fairfield Art Center, where they discussed Mental Health awareness. #MentalHealthAwareness #CommunityEng...

Drug Treatment and Recovery Court
A big thank you to the Drug Treatment and Recovery Court for organizing an amazing event on May 10th! The Crossroads Center team and clients had a blast with all the resources available. #RecoveryCour...